Since that great and faithful day that I first watched the vessel of a whirlwind that is GossipGirl, I have admired the fashion of one Jessica Szhor. I can never spell her last name, but I can also never frown upon the beautiful creations that are her wardrobe. In character or out her clothes make me envy her more than I could ever imagine.
I love the way she wears fitted pieces, short skirts, or heels and always looks so casual and comfortable. Of course, her legs are heavenly so w/e. Personal Fashion Rule: Success = making Gucci look like play clothes. I love how all of her clothing is timeless, some of these pictures are months old but I would rock it tomorrow. Not to mention that she's my hero for being in a relationship with the man of my dreams...Chuck Bass. (Ed Westwick falls at number two on my list.)
I'm going to go now....oh Chuck.
Until tomorrow...
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