
Defying Gravitfy

If there's one thing I hate about fashion, it's that people tell you that there are certain things you can't pull of because of either your body type, skin color, or height. I know that anyone can pull anything off with if they wear it with confidence (and a little common sense.) 

Today I'm going to focus on the big girls, because of our size we assume that hundreds of fashion trends and staples are eliminated from our fashion palette. Well to those people who tell use no, I say SCREW YOU. I'm going to defy it all.

Horizontal Stripes 
God I love stripes, I don't know where my weird obsession come from but I can't help myself. They're so basic yet they can add the perfect definition to any outfit! I generally wear striped tops and cardigans in darker colors by themselves or a bold striped cami with a fun cardigan on top. Make sure that it fits you well and that you can see all the stripes evenly, no one wants to play follow the mystery line into roll city!

Oversized Clothing
It seems like fashion dictates that as big girls we have to wear clothes that are fitted and pressed to our body. That's great because it shows off our curves but what about all those big comfy clothes that we want to snuggle into?! Well I say go for it, we deserve to  be comfortable and casual too. I generally tend to buy a size smaller so I'm not lost in the piece and stick to neutral colors. If you go for a bold colored piece of oversized clothing, keep the rest of your outfit neutral. It's all about balance!

Skinny Jeans
God help me if another magazine tells me that only straight jeans flatter me. I HATE THEM! I would much rather throw on some dark skinnys and rock around town. The important keys to finding the perfect skinnys are to make sure they are the perfect length (ankle), dark wash, great fitting. Skinnys are tighter than most jeans so you don't want to find a pair that are going to give you a muffin top or a pair that force you to keep standing. 

Ankle Shoes
This is one that I do think comes with limitation, but as a passionate lover of shoes I make it work. With the weather right now, everyone is backing out of knee high boots and slowly sinking into ankle boots or the new ankle sandals. I've been on a hunt for the perfect pair of ankle boots forever but that's because I have a super specific pair in mind. Make sure they fit well and don't make your foot look distorted, then look for one that stays upright without help. 

Oversized bags
As a bigger girl shouldn't we be allowed to carry more stuff? Find a bag that makes you happy, one that's practical and pretty at the same time. It's easier said than done, trust me. Find something that you can wear with hundreds of outfits and that will last forever. Since bags cost more than clothes, it's important to make them staples instead of trend pieces. 

Big earrings
I love breaking this rule. I have a round face just like plenty of big girls. I believe that my earrings bring attention to my face, which I love. Wear earrings that blend with your outfit or that is the only stand out piece. Make sure you buy earrings that are comfortable and good quality.  

Presenting...an outfit that defy's it all under a budget!!!


Until Tomorrow...

Back to the Basics

Anyone can put on a outfit, the important thing is to WEAR the outfit. Be proud of what you put together. You spent time buying each piece and creating a look so wear it with confidence...but more on that later. Today I'm going to focus on something that a lot of girls don't pay attention to and it needs to be said; the focus of every good outfit isn't your new couture piece, it's your face. 

When someone notices your outfit they want to know who's rocking it, they want to give credit to the creator! If they look up and see someone with explosive acne, puffy eyes, too much makeup, and oily skin they're immediately going to forget the positive. Despite the fact that it's your selling point when you meet people, you only have one face your whole life...take care of it! By not washing, moisturizing, etc you're going to end up looking 30 when you're 20. (Thanks Mama for the important lesson learned.)

So here are some basic simple steps that can help you get that flawless glow.

Start with a good face wash, no two people have the same skin so look for something that fits your skin problems. I have extremely oily skin and occasional break outs so I use Neutrogena Oil-Free acne wash. 

Every few days I also use an exfoliator that gets rid of all the dirt and dead skin on my face. It's important to use it every few days or weekly and not as your primary face wash or you'll get dried brittle skin. 

The weather isn't just a boring topic of discussion, it's a fashionistas' worst nightmare if you don't take the right precautions. To keep your skin looking young and hydrated (because fresh is always in) make sure you use a moisturizer, this is one place you shouldn't mind splurging. Find one that works for your skin type and put it on first thing after you wash your face. Make sure it has SPF in it so it protects you from the harsh sunrays!

Everyone has a hectic life with work, school, social lives, etc. and sometimes we don't make sleep a priority. Now there is no alternative to some good zzz's but there is a little helper that can help you out every once in a while. I don't drink caffeine but I'll put some of Garnier's Anti-Puff (caffeinated) skin renew roller on. It's a life saver when you're running late or just having one of those days, just roll it on and wait a few minutes!

Make up is going to be a long discussion in my blog and since I can't customize this for everyone, in this particular case I'm going to have to generalize. If you never really got the hang of make up or don't really like caking on the layers, you're not alone. I used to cake on, pile on, blush, shadow, curl, and powder EVERYTHING. Then I realized that I'm young, I have a healthy face and I shouldn't hide it under makeup. So now I just focus on fixing the flaws of my face and slightly enhancing my favorite features. 

There is SOO much more I could say, but let's just say for all you beginners and lost souls (aren't we all) start with Bare Essentials starter kit. You can get it online for a fraction of the price in store and you have a money back guarantee. It's light, simple, and customized to your skin. 

At the end of every day, it's important to take off your makeup and go to bed with clear healthy skin! Good skin takes time and effort, but it's the first thing employers look at, it's what differentiates you from the rest of the world, and it's the frame around your smile! And a good smile goes a long, long way!

Until Tomorrow, 


I've been getting complaints that I ditched my blog, (sorry poodle). But as any true fashionista would say, the perfect solution to any slump is a MAKEOVER. So I pumped up my blog and gave it a whole new look!

I tweezed here and brushed up there, but everyone knows that that's not the essence of a makeover. The essence of a makeover is it's intent, why are you really doing this? 

The answer is simple, I want to be true to who I am and take a risk with my blog. I originally set out to be another fashionista in the blogosphere, maybe have a decent following, and add to the conversation. 

But after looking into the mirror a little deeper, I realized that I'm not just another girl with an opinion, I don't want to get lost in the conversation. I want to fill in the holes, stand out, and make a difference to other girls like me out there. 

The new blog is going to be for girls who want to add some flava to their style on a budget, for girls who want to spice up their life with a little inside scoop, for girls with color who want to make a splash, and for big girls who want to show the world that just like we're larger than life so is out style. :)

Please comment and let me know if there is anything that you'd like to see like outfit suggestions, trend watch, investment pieces, etc. and I'll do my best to help you out!

Until tomorrow...